Yellow Line Flood

You can see the thin hallow hollow moon hanging in the distance. A distant smile, a white light reflection, at the beginning of fasting, at the beginning of another moon cycle. You expect to know nothing? Something. But nature reminds you, with the trees bending in the spring wind, that one branch hovering over the … Continue reading Yellow Line Flood

Feed the Birds

I was reading something by Tom Cox, whose writing makes me feel like there is a point to things and began thinking. That is to say, started to organize and categorize all the ideas and thoughts that one wakes up with. The feelings and scenes and characters that sink away, the crash landing from dreams … Continue reading Feed the Birds


Some thoughts after being bludgeoned with sales and offers and new and must have and every party should and everyone ought to and nursing bruises that only the internet can inflict. It occurs to me why out-of-control capitalism (is there another kind?) is destroying the earth. It occurred to me just this morning. This morning, … Continue reading Mint

On Noticing

On Noticing Aristotle. Yes, the philosopher. He suggests (I can’t put philosophers in the past tense, when all their thinking bursts into life the moment you engage) that moderation is key. Knowing yourself, knowing how to react and to what and to whom in the right way. Whenever I start reading some work of a … Continue reading On Noticing