Labor in Vain Road


I attended an information session yesterday aimed at incoming students – grad students – of whom I am now one. It was designed to illuminate the services available around Title IX and different protections. Now there is nothing wrong with that – in fact, there is a lot of good in telling young people that … Continue reading Incoming

a bug

Well, well, well

Well. A deep subject. Don’t worry. It’s an inside joke. I must be feeling better, because I feel compelled to write something about the experience. I doubt it will have any linear clarity, but linear movement, like constant growth, is a post-capitalist economist trick of the light to make everyone feel that if they aren’t … Continue reading Well, well, well


Spring seems a good time to write poetry. Actually, so does winter. We will see what happens in summer. So Slow I forget. A lot. Thé sponge goes round the dish. The list of emails seems So Fascinating. Warned, I was, not to do things So Quickly. I studied the others. Those who read the … Continue reading Poems