
Time “He flexes like a whore” Not sure why that particular description and Bowie lyric and song flashed into my mind, but there it is. I think the implication is that time is cleverer than you, more alluring, ultimately unknowable, and one step beyond or ahead – maybe. Thinking about the past and the future … Continue reading Time


I’m taking advice from a squirrel on TikTok. No, seriously. It’s 11am, and I’ve looked at enough emails, and here is a squirrel giving me advice – and I’m listening. It just told me that perfectionism and trying to please everyone is not the way forward. Seeing as I just received a competitive, blame-shifting email … Continue reading Wildness

Back to the Garden

The idea of group approval is a strange thing, pulling us this way and that, in directions that are sometimes worthy, other times ugly, asking us to constantly judge both ourselves and others, while hinting broadly exactly what that judgement should be. It’s not just music, or books, or film and TV that are ranked, … Continue reading Back to the Garden